For years, I had always searched for a solid, surefire, stress free, low maintenance cards across, to meet very stringent criteria for all round use in the demanding, comedy club environment, the criteria was simple, the method had to be sleight of hand free, packing small and, angle proof, leaving me free to concentrate on presentation. Economy flight was the routine that evolved.
So, here it is, the “coup de maitre”, the master stroke, the powerhouse routine that has literally “travelled the world” with me, a core routine worth many, many times what you may have paid .If you perform nothing else, you WILL perform this.
This is of course the standard and classic “cards across” involving two random spectators from any size audience. *****
Remember NO SLEIGHT OF HAND, the exceptionally cunning and clever handling does EVERYTHING, packs small and PLAYS BIG !
uses your own bicycle pack perfect for cabaret, stand up theatre or comedy club !