The Montana Project was a secret operation and project established in 1969 in Montana, by the United states Central intelligence agency (CIA) and the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications.
The Montana Project's work primarily involved “remote viewing”, the purported ability to psychically "see" events, sites, or information from a great distance.
The Montana Project was officially terminated and allegedly declassified in 1995.
Despite it’s official declassification and public closure, many conspiracy theorists and underground researchers claim it still exists today... *****
A superb collection from the C.I.A black op’s.
Perfect for the serious stand up performer,
Direct mentalism at it’s best, complete with hand crafted sepia photographs, laboratory phial of undisclosed chemical hallucinogenic compound in an aged tin, envelopes and corduroy bag, alongside a collection of diverse routines and handlings, all housed in a time worn wooden box, a sinister relic of the cold war. A superb addition to your dark arsenal of obscure artifacts .